An animated head (formerly known as dynamic head)[1] is a type of bundle that typically consists of an animated head and a mood animation. Unlike older heads, animated heads support facial expressions. Animated heads were released on June 28, 2022.[1]
Animated heads fit the purpose of both heads and faces while supporting facial expressions. As a result, older heads and faces are now referred to as classic heads and classic faces on the marketplace. Some classic faces are taken off-sale and superseded by their animated head versions; for example, the Hold It In face went off-sale after the release of the animated head bundle.
Specifically, an animated head is a skinned MeshPart that supports facial animations via FaceControls. It is represented by the DynamicHeadasset type, which is different from the Head asset type. In the Animation Editor, the Face Animation Editor provides an outline with sliders that adjust the corresponding properties of FaceControls. Roblox also provides a tool ("Face Capture") that captures movement and generates corresponding keyframes to an animated head. Face Capture is found in Animation Editor as a beta feature.