Roblox Wiki
Roblox Wiki

For avatar designs, see Avatar.

A Character or Avatar is a property that points to the Model light iconModel dark iconModel in the Workspace light iconWorkspace dark iconWorkspace that is the character of a Player light iconPlayer dark iconPlayer.

When on the Roblox site, there is a "Avatar" button where a user can customize their avatar with accessories, animations, body parts, bundles, gear, clothing, and skin tones.



Several outfits made by Shedletsky.

On September 27, 2013, ROBLOX added a new feature to the character menu called "outfits". It allows users to be able to save their current looks and name them. Also, there are three different options that the user

Character pg

An example of the Character page.

may choose:

  • Rename - Renames the outfit.
  • Update - Changes the character's appearance to the current look.
  • Remove - Removes the outfit.

Users may only save up to 50 outfits at a time.

Character Structure[]

Emotes & Animations[]

Main articles: Emote & Animation package
An Emote is an action players can perform whilst in-game. There are currently 7 universal emotes and 91 purchasable emotes that are Rthro and R15 only. The player must type in /e [emote] into the chat for the character to do a universal emote, or use the emote menu or /e to do a purchasable emote.

An animation package is a purchasable bundle on the marketplace that changes a player's R15 movement animation. Animation packs were announced on January 19, 2017, by tarabyte on the R15 Avatar Animations blog. Each animation pack contains Run, Walk, Fall, Jump, Idle, Swim, and Climb animations. These animations are applied to the character in-game; however, the idle animation is also shown if the user has one equipped while using the R15 rig. All initial animation packs were released in January 2017, with the Rthro Animation Package being released in September 2018, and finally the Oldschool Animation Pack being released in July 2020.

Avatar Editor Backgrounds[]

1​. Website

Website Avatar Editor Background


This editor shows up on the roblox website.

2​. Avatar Editor

Avatar Editor Background Classic

Roblox had redesigned the Avatar Editor for use for mobile devices and and later ported it to Xbox.

3​. Current

Avatar Editor Background Cubes


The avatar editor got fully redesigned to match the current style of Roblox. One single codebase has been used.

Anti-Nudity Feature[]

Default Clothing

A female person wearing the default clothing.


A male person wearing the default clothing.

Default Clothing Notification

A message that says to wear something from your clothing when no pants are worn.

An update on June 16, 2017, modified the appearance of characters who are not wearing any clothing. It is rumored that this update was created in response to concerns that players could roleplay sexual acts while having a naked character. Characters with a similar body color on their torso and legs who are not wearing any clothing will have a set of default clothes applied to their character and will be prompted to wear something from their clothing. There are different variations and colors of this. However, it has gained controversy due to putting itself on perfectly normal Avatars.

If the character is not wearing a shirt but has a pair of pants on, no default clothing will appear on that avatar. If the character is wearing a shirt but no pants, the default shorts will appear on that avatar. A known loophole to this is wearing a transparent shirt or pants, which will not apply the default clothing but will instead show the underlying body color. Having a body part be a different color (excluding the head) will also not trigger the default clothing.
