Bonus Round was a page all users would receive when signing up on Roblox from 2009 to 2015. In 2009, only an email address was required to sign up, in the event that a user got locked out of their account. In 2010, 2 more options were added: the choice to subscribe to the ROBLOX Newsletter, and an optional referral code. In 2011, the referral code was replaced with typing in a friend's Roblox username.
Users would receive the Inviter badge if three people entered their username in the "Referrer" section of this page. Even after the badge was made obsolete in 2013, the referral feature remained on the page until discontinuation.
In 2012, the page was updated to be optional, allowing new users to skip it entirely. The page went untouched until 2014, when it was edited to remove the newsletter option. In 2015, the Bonus Round page was removed from sign-up.