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What Are Cafe Groups

Cafe groups are groups on Roblox that simulates a cafe. Basic stuff, come in, and order coffee. Examples of cafe groups on Roblox are Blox-Land Coffee or Dunkin Donuts. Many people get confused with Soro's or Tsunami Sushi as a cafe group, but it's not. Those are restaurant groups.


Trollers like CowCowManManThingIt (or greenlegocats123 by his YouTube name) are known for targeting cafe groups for their videos, sometimes just to troll and other times to retaliate against something done by the cafe or a member. They go in their games asking for stuff they don't have on the menu, like a dead rat or a severed hand. The employees may kick or ban them afterwards, but they might go on alts prepared for a game ban and go back into the server. Sometimes exploiters will exploit at cafe games as a way to troll.

Legal Issues

Roblox has actually had legal issues with real life cafes due to some cafe games. For example, Frappe was formerly named Starbucks until Starbucks filed a lawsuit against Roblox in 2015 because the group was using the name Starbucks. Roblox avoided this lawsuit by making the owner of Starbucks change the group name to Frappe.


Cafe groups have often seen problems with High Ranked members, sometimes for admin abusing and other times for more personal issues such as predatory behavior. An example of this would be Anuxo , a former member and the builder for Frappe. It was discovered that he sexually harassed multiple girls after many members of Cafe games came forward with proof. Predator behavior by High Ranked cafe members is a topic that comes up a few times a year.


Some dislike cafe games because they find it boring. They say there is nothing to do other than pretend to drink and eat. Some also say that they do not like how often trollers come to cafe games, and due to lack of moderation in some games it ruins the experience. Some go as far to as claim that cafe games use child labor and child slavery [1]​. They say this because almost all employees are children who do not get paid even though cafe groups make Robux.

