When in-game, characters are structured as following. Each tree assumes the player is wearing a shirt, T-shirt, and pants, but no accessories.
- CharacterModel
- Head
- Mesh
- HairAttachment
- HatAttachment
- FaceFrontAttachment
- FaceCenterAttachment
- GettingUp
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Died
- CharacterSoundEvent
- FreeFalling
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Jumping
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Landing
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Splash
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Running
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Swimming
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Climbing
- CharacterSoundEvent
- face
- Torso
- roblox
- NeckAttachment
- BodyFrontAttachment
- BodyBackAttachment
- LeftCollarAttachment
- RightCollarAttachment
- WaistFrontAttachment
- WaistCenterAttachment
- WaistBackAttachment
- Right Shoulder
- Left Shoulder
- Right Hip
- Left Hip
- Neck
- Left Arm
- LeftShoulderAttachment
- LeftGripAttachment
- Right Arm
- RightShoulderAttachment
- RightGripAttachment
- Left Leg
- LeftFootAttachment
- Right Leg
- RightFootAttachment
- Humanoid
Status- Animator
- HumanoidDescription
- HumanoidRootPart
- RootAttachment
- RootJoint
- Sound
- LocalSound
- Health
- Animate
- idle
- Animation1
- Weight
- Animation2
- Weight
- walk
- WalkAnim
- run
- RunAnim
- jump
- JumpAnim
- climb
- ClimbAnim
- toolnone
- ToolNoneAnim
- fall
- FallAnim
- sit
- SitAnim
- ScaleDampeningPercent
- Body Colors
- Pants
- Shirt
- Shirt Graphic
- CharacterModel
- HumanoidRootPart
- RootRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- OriginalSize
- LeftHand
- LeftWristRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftGripAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftWrist
- OriginalSize
- LeftLowerArm
- LeftElbowRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftWristRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftElbow
- OriginalSize
- LeftUpperArm
- LeftShoulderRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftElbowRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftShoulderAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftShoulder
- OriginalSize
- RightHand
- RightWristRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightGripAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightWrist
- OriginalSize
- RightLowerArm
- RightElbowRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightWristRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightElbow
- OriginalSize
- RightUpperArm
- RightShoulderRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightElbowRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightShoulderAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightShoulder
- OriginalSize
- UpperTorso
- WaistRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- NeckRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftShoulderRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightShoulderRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- BodyFrontAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- BodyBackAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftCollarAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightCollarAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- NeckAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- Waist
- OriginalSize
- LeftFoot
- LeftAnkleRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftAnkle
- OriginalSize
- LeftLowerLeg
- LeftKneeRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftAnkleRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftKnee
- OriginalSize
- LeftUpperLeg
- LeftHipRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftKneeRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftHip
- OriginalSize
- RightFoot
- RightAnkleRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightAnkle
- OriginalSize
- RightLowerLeg
- RightKneeRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightAnkleRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightKnee
- OriginalSize
- RightUpperLeg
- RightHipRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightKneeRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightHip
- OriginalSize
- LowerTorso
- RootRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- WaistRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- LeftHipRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- RightHipRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- WaistCenterAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- WaistFrontAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- WaistBackAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- Root
- OriginalSize
- Humanoid
- Animator
- BodyTypeScale
- BodyProportionScale
- BodyWidthScale
- BodyHeightScale
- BodyDepthScale
- HeadScale
- HumanoidDescription
Status- Head
- Mesh
- OriginalSize
- FaceCenterAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- FaceFrontAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- HairAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- HatAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- NeckRigAttachment
- OriginalPosition
- Neck
- OriginalSize
- face
- GettingUp
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Died
- CharacterSoundEvent
- FreeFalling
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Jumping
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Landing
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Splash
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Running
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Swimming
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Climbing
- CharacterSoundEvent
- Sound
- LocalSound
- Health
- Animate
- cheer
- CheerAnim
- swimidle
- SwimIdle
- dance
- Animation1
- Weight
- Animation2
- Weight
- Animation3
- Weight
- dance2
- Animation1
- Weight
- Animation2
- Weight
- Animation3
- Weight
- dance3
- Animation1
- Weight
- Animation2
- Weight
- Animation3
- Weight
- run
- RunAnim
- climb
- ClimbAnim
- fall
- FallAnim
- laugh
- LaughAnim
- point
- PointAnim
- sit
- SitAnim
- toollunge
- ToolLungeAnim
- toolnone
- ToolNoneAnim
- toolslash
- ToolSlashAnim
- wave
- WaveAnim
- ScaleDampeningPercent
- walk
- WalkAnim
- jump
- JumpAnim
- swim
- Swim
- PlayEmote
- idle
- Animation1
- Weight
- Animation2
- Weight
- pose
- LevitationPose
- Weight
- Body Colors
- Pants
- Shirt
- Shirt Graphic