Legacy Icons These icon(s) are only a part of legacy Roblox Studio versions, or are unused as of the studio icons update .
Memory category
The Plugin class inherits from Instance . The class is used to make Roblox Studio widgets and is intended to be used by plugins . This class is special, because, unlike other classes, the object of this class is indexed directly from the plugin
keyword, which is only accessible to plugins. Other code can access this object through PluginManager():CreatePlugin()
1 Properties
2 Methods
2.1 Activate (exclusiveMouse: bool ): null
2.2 CreateDockWidgetPluginGui (pluginGuiId: string , dockWidgetPluginGuiInfo: DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo ): DockWidgetPluginGui
2.3 CreatePluginAction (actionId: string , text: string , statusTip: string , iconName: string = , allowBinding: bool = true): PluginAction
2.4 CreatePluginMenu (id: string , title: string = , icon: string = ): PluginMenu
2.5 CreateQWidgetPluginGui (pluginGuiId: string , pluginGuiOptions: Dictionary ): QWidgetPluginGui
2.6 CreateToolbar (name: string ): PluginToolbar
2.7 Deactivate (): null
2.8 GetItem (key: string , defaultValue: Variant ): Variant
2.9 GetJoinMode (): JointCreationMode
2.10 GetMouse (): PluginMouse
2.11 GetPluginComponent (name: string ): Dictionary
2.12 GetSelectedRibbonTool (): RibbonTool
2.13 GetSetting (key: string ): Variant
2.14 GetStudioUserId (): int64
2.15 GetUri (): Dictionary
2.16 ImportFbxAnimation (rigModel: Instance , isR15: bool = true): Instance
2.17 ImportFbxRig (isR15: bool = true): Instance
2.18 Intersect (objects: Instances ): Instance
2.19 Invoke (key: string , arguments: Tuple ): null
2.20 IsActivated (): bool
2.21 IsActivatedWithExclusiveMouse (): bool
2.22 Negate (objects: Instances ): Instances
2.23 OnInvoke (key: string , callback: Function ): Instance
2.24 OnSetItem (key: string , callback: Function ): Instance
2.25 OpenScript (script: LuaSourceContainer , lineNumber: int = 1): null
2.26 OpenWikiPage (url: string ): null
2.27 PauseSound (sound: Instance ): null
2.28 PlaySound (sound: Instance , normalizedTimePosition: double = 0): null
2.29 PromptForExistingAssetId (assetType: string ): int64
2.30 PromptSaveSelection (suggestedFileName: string = ): bool
2.31 ResumeSound (sound: Instance ): null
2.32 SaveSelectedToRoblox (): null
2.33 SelectRibbonTool (tool: RibbonTool , position: UDim2 ): null
2.34 Separate (objects: Instances ): Instances
2.35 SetItem (key: string , value: Variant ): null
2.36 SetReady (): null
2.37 SetSetting (key: string , value: Variant ): null
2.38 StartDecalDrag (decal: Instance ): null
2.39 StartDrag (dragData: Dictionary ): null
2.40 StopAllSounds (): null
2.41 Union (objects: Instances ): Instance
3 Events
4 Callbacks
5 Removed members
6 External links
Category: Data.
Serialization: cannot load or save.
Thread safety: read safe
DisableUIDragDetectorDrags : bool
This class member is missing documentation. Create or add to its subpage at Class:Plugin/DisableUIDragDetectorDrags .
Category: Data.
Read security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Write security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Serialization: can save and load.
Thread safety: read safe
Category: Data.
Serialization: cannot load or save.
Thread safety: read safe
Category: Data.
Read security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Write security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Serialization: cannot load or save.
Thread safety: read safe
Category: Data.
Read security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Write security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Serialization: cannot load or save.
Thread safety: read safe
Category: Data.
Read security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Write security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Serialization: cannot load or save.
Thread safety: read safe
Category: Behavior.
Read security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Write security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Serialization: cannot load or save.
Thread safety: read safe
Activate (exclusiveMouse : bool ): null
Parameters Name Type exclusiveMouse bool
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type pluginGuiId string dockWidgetPluginGuiInfo DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
CreatePluginAction (actionId : string , text : string , statusTip : string , iconName : string = , allowBinding : bool = true): PluginAction
Parameters Name Type Default actionId string text string statusTip string iconName string allowBinding bool true
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type Default id string title string icon string
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type pluginGuiId string pluginGuiOptions Dictionary
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type name string
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
GetItem (key : string , defaultValue : Variant ): Variant
Parameters Name Type key string defaultValue Variant
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
GetPluginComponent (name : string ): Dictionary
This class member is missing documentation. Create or add to its subpage at Class:Plugin/GetPluginComponent .
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
GetSetting (key : string ): Variant
Parameters Name Type key string
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
This API member has existing documentation in this page's Member list template.
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
GetUri (): Dictionary
This class member is missing documentation. Create or add to its subpage at Class:Plugin/GetUri .
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type Default rigModel Instance isR15 bool true
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type Default isR15 bool true
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type objects Instances
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Invoke (key : string , arguments : Tuple ): null
Parameters Name Type key string arguments Tuple
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type objects Instances
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type key string callback Function
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type key string callback Function
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type Default script LuaSourceContainer lineNumber int 1
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type url string
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type sound Instance
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
PlaySound (sound : Instance , normalizedTimePosition : double = 0): null
Parameters Name Type Default sound Instance normalizedTimePosition double 0
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type assetType string
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type Default suggestedFileName string
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type sound Instance
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type tool RibbonTool position UDim2
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type objects Instances
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
SetItem (key : string , value : Variant ): null
Parameters Name Type key string value Variant
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
SetSetting (key : string , value : Variant ): null
Parameters Name Type key string value Variant
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type decal Instance
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
StartDrag (dragData : Dictionary ): null
Parameters Name Type dragData Dictionary
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type objects Instances
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
This class member is missing documentation. Create or add to its subpage at
Class:Plugin/Ready .
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Security: PluginSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Parameters Name Type assetId string assetTypeId int instances Instances
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Security: RobloxScriptSecurity.
Thread safety: unsafe
Removed members
External links [ ]