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Object representing a high performance bounded grid of static 4x4 parts. This class cannot be instantiated.


This class has seven properties.

IsSmooth: bool

Returns whether or not this game has smooth terrain. Flat terrain was removed in January 2017, so this is always true.

MaxExtents: Region3int16

WaterColor: Color3

The color of the Water material.

WaterReflectance: float

The reflectance of the Water material.

WaterTransparency: float

The transparency of the Water material.

WaterWaveSize: float

The maximum size Water waves can be.

WaterWaveSpeed: float

The speed of the Water material.


This class has twenty-two methods.

AutowedgeCell(x: int, y: int, z: int): bool

AutowedgeCells(region: Region3int16): void

CellCenterToWorld(x: int, y: int, z: int): Vector3

CellCornerToWorld(x: int, y: int, z: int): Vector3

Clear(): void

Removes all smooth terrain from the game.

ConvertToSmooth(): void

Converts the game from flat to smooth terrain.

CopyRegion(region: Region3int16): Instance

Copies the given region and returns a TerrainRegion light iconTerrainRegion dark iconTerrainRegion.

CountCells(): int

Counts the amount of terrain cells.

FillBall(center: Vector3, radius: float, material: Material): void

Creates a ball of terrain that reaches out from the given center point.

FillBlock(cframe: CoordinateFrame, size: Vector3, material: Material): void

Creates a block of terrain from the given CoordinateFrame and goes out by size.

FillRegion(region: Region3, resolution: float, material: Material): void

Fills a region with the given material.

GetCell(x: int, y: int, z: int): Tuple

Returns CellMaterial, CellBlock, CellOrientation

GetWaterCell(x: int, y: int, z: int): Tuple

Returns hasAnyWater, WaterForce, WaterDirection

PasteRegion(region: Instance, corner: Vector3int16, pasteEmptyCells: bool): void

Pastes the given TerrainRegion light iconTerrainRegion dark iconTerrainRegion, with the corner being a corner.

ReadVoxels(region: Region3, resolution: float): Tuple

SetCell(x: int, y: int, z: int, material: CellMaterial, block: CellBlock, orientation: CellOrientation): void

SetCells(region: Region3int16, material: CellMaterial, block: CellBlock, orientation: CellOrientation): void

SetWaterCell(x: int, y: int, z: int, force: WaterForce, direction: WaterDirection): void

WorldToCell(position: Vector3): Vector3

WorldToCellPreferEmpty(position: Vector3): Vector3

WorldToCellPreferSolid(position: Vector3): Vector3

WriteVoxels(region: Region3, resolution: float, materials: Array, occupancy: Array): void
