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Super Nostalgia Zone is a Roblox experience developed by Maximum_ADHD Roblox Verified Badge. It simulates 28 places from the old engines of Roblox, mainly focusing on the 2006-2009 era with extra bits from 2010.

The game allows players to customize their avatar using classic shirts, classic pants, faces, classic T-shirts, and hats, which can be purchased with Tix, an in-game currency based on the former Roblox currency of the same name. 10 Tix is earned daily, similar to how it was originally functioned in the Roblox website.


Below is a list of all the current 28 Super Nostalgia Zone places in alphabetical order:

Place Creator
Balance Matt Dusek
Chaos Canyon Roblox Roblox Verified Badge
Community Construction Roblox Roblox Verified Badge
Crossroads Roblox Roblox Verified Badge
Dodge The Teapots of Doom! Clockwork
Doomspire Brickbattle Temple of Brickbattle
Glass Houses Roblox Roblox Verified Badge
Happy Home In Robloxia! Roblox Roblox Verified Badge
Haunted Mansion Telamon
HERE, where the world is quiet Swinburne
King of the Hill Zuka and JoshJosh117
Minigame World Miked
Mini Robloxia Are92
Nevermoor's Blight Telamon
Pinball Wizards! Telamon
ROBLOX Bowling Alley BlXhd
ROBLOX Halloween Paintball 2009 ScorpioPilot
ROBLOX Halloween Treasure Hunt 2009 Reverse Polarity and ScorpioPilot
ROBLOX World Headquarters Roblox Roblox Verified Badge
Rocket Arena Roblox Roblox Verified Badge
Sunset Plain Schwaabo
Super Nostalgia Zone Sandbox Maximum_ADHD Roblox Verified Badge
Sword Fights on the Heights IV Telamon
The Undead Coming ScorpioPilot
The Underground War Stickmasterluke Roblox Verified Badge
Thrillville JJ5x5
Ultimate Paintball Miked
Yorick's Resting Place Yorick

Games Page[]

The Games page shows all of the available places, as well as how many users are playing and how many servers are active. It's possible to create a private server, similar to Roblox's by clicking the "Play Solo" button.

Friends Page[]

The Friends page shows what Super Nostalgia Zone's places each player's friend is playing.

Avatar Page[]

The Avatar page allows the player to change their avatar's body color by clicking on the part they want to change. They can also wear any T-shirt by putting in the AssetID of a T-shirt, image or decal.


The Catalog is below the avatar page. Players can browse and buy various hats, shirts, pants, and faces. The following lists display each available item, along with their prices:


Image Item Price
NoHat No Hat Free
VisorBlue 2008 Roblox Visor 8 Tix
RedVisor 2007 Roblox Visor 8 Tix


20 Tix
SNZlampshade Lampshade 25 Tix
BWinterCap Blue Winter Cap 29 Tix
KittyEars Kitty Ears 30 Tix
MEars Mouse Ears 30 Tix
ChefHat Chef Hat 35 Tix
FireFighterHelmet Firefighter Helmet 40 Tix
StageProp Stage Prop 50 Tix
PaperBag Paper Bag 60 Tix
RBaseBallCap Red Baseball Cap 60 Tix
Screw Screw 70 Tix
LittleFluffyCloud Little Fluffy Cloud 85 Tix
SNZsapling Sapling 100 Tix
SNZaustronaut helmet Astronaut Helmet 115 Tix
SNZninja mask of shadows Ninja Mask of Shadows 120 Tix
SNZgame imput device Game Input Device 125 Tix
SNZtarget hat Target Hat 150 Tix
SNZlavender baseball cap Lavender Baseball Cap 150 Tix
SNZbrickasaw headband Brickasaw Headband 160 Tix
SNZantennae Antennae 200 Tix
SNZheadrow Headrow 210 Tix
SNZblue baseball cap Blue Baseball Cap 240 Tix
SNZhammerhead Hammerhead 250 Tix
SNZheadstack Headstack 280 Tix
SNZsatellite dish Satellite Dish 325 Tix
SNZcheese hat Cheese Hat 350 Tix
SNZpicnic hat Picnic Hat 390 Tix
SNZsuperbrick visor Superbrick Visor 400 Tix
SNZmonstars visor Monstars Visor 400 Tix
SNZblue snipers visor Blue Snipers Visor 400 Tix
SNZroblox rogues visor Roblox Rogues Visor 400 Tix
SNZquestion mark Question Mark 420 Tix
SNZwizard's hat Wizard's Hat 500 Tix
SNZvegetable hat Vegetable Hat 500 Tix
SNZbandana Bandana 600 Tix
SNZchessboard Chessboard 640 Tix
SNZarrow hat Arrow Hat 670 Tix
SNZbighead Bighead 700 Tix
SNZgreen baseball cap Green Baseball Cap 750 Tix
SNZthe agonizingly ugly yellow baseball cap The Agonizingly Ugly Yellow Baseball Cap 750 Tix
SNZnative american headress Native American Headdress 760 Tix
SNZpolice cap Police Cap 770 Tix
SNZemerald eye Emerald Eye 850 Tix
SNZthunderstorm hat Thunderstorm Hat 860 Tix
SNZbiology textbook Biology Textbook 900 Tix
SNZchemistry textbook Chemistry Textbook 900 Tix
SNZhelmet Helmet 930 Tix
SNZstraw hat Straw Hat 980 Tix
SNZtraffic cone Traffic Cone 1,000 Tix
SNZhunting hat Hunting Hat 1,050 Tix
SNZprincess hat Princess Hat 1,090 Tix
SNZred stetson Red Stetson 1,150 Tix
SNZlol sign LOL Sign 1,200 Tix
SNZviking helm Viking Helm 1,250 Tix
SNZteakettle hat Teakettle Hat 1,337 Tix
SNZfruit hat Fruit Hat 1,500 Tix
SNZpolice sargeants cap Police Sergeants Cap 2,000 Tix
SNZstriped hat Striped Hat 2,050 Tix
SNZbrown cowboy hat Brown Cowboy Hat 2,140 Tix
SNZbunny ears Bunny Ears 2,420 Tix
SNZitalian ski cap Italian Ski Cap 3,000 Tix
SNZtan stetson Tan Stetson 3,540 Tix
SNZnavy captain hat Navy Captain Hat 4,050 Tix
SNZsombrero Sombrero 4,500 Tix
SNZgolden crown Golden Crown 5,000 Tix
SNZbiggerhead BiggerHead 5,500 Tix
SNZjester's cap Jester's Cap 5,950 Tix
SNZtiara Tiara 7,000 Tix
SNZbucket Bucket 7,331 Tix
SNZfedora Fedora 9,000 Tix
SNZcalf of glory Coif of Glory 9,500 Tix
SNZgot milk visor Got Milk Visor 10,000 Tix
SNZteapot hat Teapot Hat 13,337 Tix
SNZwhite cowboy hat White Cowboy Hat 14,000 Tix
SNZpirate captain's hat Pirate Captain's Hat 20,000 Tix
SNZthe void star The Void Star 20,000 Tix
SNZkaiser helm Kaiser Helm 27,500 Tix
SNZvalkyrie helm Valkyrie Helm 30,000 Tix
SNZclockwork's headphones Clockwork's Headphones 33,920 Tix
SNZpurple bonded top hat Purple Banded Top Hat 50,000 Tix
SNZthe crimson catseye The Crimson Catseye 50,000 Tix
SNZjj5x5's white top hat JJ5x5's White Top Hat 100,000 Tix
SNZhappy 100k day Happy 100K Day 100,000 Tix
SNZninja mask of awesome Ninja Mask of Awesome 150,000 Tix
SNZthe bluesteel bathelm The Bluesteel Bathelm 250,000 Tix
SNZthe ice crown The Ice Crown 250,000 Tix
SNZthe agonizingly ugly bucket of doom The Agonizingly Ugly Bucket of Doom 300,000 Tix
SNZsparkle time fedora Sparkle Time Fedora 500,000 Tix
SNZthe kleos aphthiton The Kleos Aphthiton 750,000 Tix
SNZdomino crown Domino Crown 1,000,000 Tix

There are six special hats not obtainable through the Catalog:

The first five are only earned by completing replicas of old event places from 2008 and 2009. Although being Halloween-themed, they can be acquired at any time. Doombringer's Doombringer is exclusive to Maximum_ADHD, and also gives him the Gravity Hammer in any game.


Image Item Price
SNZnoshirt No Shirt Free
SNZwhite White Shirt 20 Tix
SNZcamo Camo-Shirt 40 Tix
Link 100 Tix
SNZbone Bone Armor 100 Tix
SNZstanford Stanford Sweatshirt 125 Tix
SNZcloud Cloud 200 Tix
SNZbattle Battle Shirt of Awesomeness 200 Tix
SNZnuke Nuke the Whales 250 Tix
SNZsparta Spartan Armor 250 Tix
SNZemerald Emerald Armor 250 Tix
SNZwave Wave 300 Tix
SNZoffer Offer 300 Tix
SNZruby Ruby 300 Tix
SNZvision Vision 300 Tix


Image Item Price
SNZnopants No Pants Free
SNZtoxic Toxic 100 Tix
SNZbonepants Bone Armor 100 Tix
SNZjeans Jeans 125 Tix
SNZgreyrobes Grey Wizard Robes 125 Tix
SNZcloudpants Cloud 200 Tix
SNZawesomepants Battle Pants of Awesomeness 200 Tix
SNZemeraldpants Emerald Armor 250 Tix
SNZredrobes Red Wizard Robes 250 Tix
SNZtwisted Twisted Metal 300 Tix
SNZofferpants Offer 300 Tix
SNZdarkpants Dark Armor 300 Tix
SNZrubypants Ruby 300 Tix
SNZvisionpants Vision 300 Tix
SNZwavepants Wave 300 Tix


Image Item Price
SNZdefault Default Free
SNZlazyeye Lazy Eye 100 Tix
SNZdrool Drool 150 Tix
SNZgood Good Intentioned 150 Tix
SNZglee Glee 250 Tix
SNZalright Alright 250 Tix
SNZwinky Winky 450 Tix
SNZfang Fang 500 Tix
SNZchubs Chubs 800 Tix
SNZgrin Toothy Grin 950 Tix
SNZo0o O.o 1000 Tix
SNZgoof Classic Goof 1000 Tix
SNZdaring Daring 1000 Tix
SNZuhoh Uh Oh 1050 Tix
SNZmysterious Mysterious 1230 Tix
SNZchippy Chippy McTooth 1440 Tix
SNZgotime It's Go Time! 1500 Tix


1500 Tix
SNZslick Slickfang 1750 Tix
SNZfearless Fearless 2500 Tix
SNZnotamused I Am Not Amused 2500 Tix
SNZaghast Aghast 3000 Tix
SNZrawr RAWR! 3000 Tix
SNZhm Hmmm... 3333 Tix
SNZfright Frightful 4500 Tix
SNZunibrow Frightening Unibrow 8000 Tix
SNZsad Sad 9000 Tix
SNZvampire Classic Vampire 10000 Tix
SNZsinister Sinister 10001 Tix
SNZzombie Emotionally Distressed Zombie 20000 Tix
SNZstitch Stitchface 40000 Tix
SNZangst Existential Angst 50000 Tix

Stats Page[]

The Stats page shows to the player:

  • The number of knockouts and wipeouts;
  • The knockout/wipeout ratio;
  • The number of badges they have gotten;
  • The number of places they have visited;
  • The number of times they have encountered their friends in-game;
  • Images of the badges, along with their descriptions.


Badges, based on the Roblox Badge, can be earned by performing taskes.

Image Name Description
SNZcombatinitiationbadge Combat Initiation "This badge is given to any player who has proven their combat abilities by accumulating 10 victories in battle. Players who have this badge are not complete newbies and probably know how to handle their weapons."
SNZwarriorbadge Warrior "This badge is given to the warriors of Robloxia, who have time and time again overwhelmed their foes in battle. To earn this badge, you must rack up 100 knockouts. Anyone with this badge knows what to do in a fight!"
SNZinviterbadge Inviter "This badge is awarded to players who invite 3 other friends to follow them into a single game session."
SNZbloxxerbadge Bloxxer "Anyone who has earned this badge is a very dangerous player indeed. It is given to the warrior who has bloxxed at least 250 enemies and who has tasted victory more times than he or she has suffered defeat. Salute! Those Robloxians who excel at combat can one day hope to achieve this honor, the Bloxxer Badge."
SNZfriendshipbadge Friendship "This badge is awarded to players who encounter a friend in-game over 10 times. Note that you don't have to encounter an individual friend 10 times, the counter just increases for every friend that you encounter in a game."
SNZambassadorbadge Ambassador "This badge is awarded to players who visit every single place in Super Nostalgia Zone."

Settings Page[]

The Settings page can change the aesthetics and performance of Super Nostalgia Zone.

Setting Functionality
Allow Music In Places Toggles the in-game music.
Character Bevels Toggles bevels, the smooth edges on bricks that were removed in 2013.
Classic Sky Style Toggles the classic, less realistic skybox design.
Click To Move Toggles the classic "click to move" control option, removed in 2012.
30 FPS Cap Limits Super Nostalgia Zone's FPS to 30.
Follower Camera Toggles the Follower Camera. The camera will follow the player's character, as opposed to it being free moving.
Reduced Particles Reduces particles to improve performance.
Retro Explosions Toggles pre-2008 explosions, which were simple red spheres.
Retro Tool Sound Glitches Toggles an old sound glitch that would occur whenever a tool was equipped.
Stencil Shadows Toggles shadows on and off.
Secret Turbo Graphics from 2006 Adds Bloom and Depth of Field (DOF) effects, based on an image from 2006.


In the Shop page, Tix can be bought with Robux. The list below shows the prices for buying each amount of Tix:

Image Amount Price Tix/Robux
Tix1 15 Tix 6 ROBUX 2.5
Tix2 37 Tix 9 ROBUX ~4.11
Tix3 75 Tix 22 ROBUX 3.4
Tix4 150 Tix 24 ROBUX 6.25
Tix5 375 Tix 44 ROBUX ~8.52
SNZ750tix 750 Tix 88 ROBUX ~8.52
SNZ1500tix 1,500 Tix 78 ROBUX ~19.23
SNZ3750tix 3,750 Tix 187 ROBUX ~20.05
SNZ7500tix 7,500 Tix 350 ROBUX ~21.42
SNZ15000tix 15,000 Tix 675 ROBUX ~22.22
SNZ37500tix 37,500 Tix 1,600 ROBUX ~23.43
SNZ75000tix 75,000 Tix 3,100 ROBUX ~24.19
SNZ150000tix 150,000 Tix 6,000 ROBUX 25
SNZ375000tix 375,000 Tix 14,400 ROBUX ~26.04
SNZ750000tix 750,000 Tix 27,500 ROBUX ~27.27
SNZ1000000tix 1,000,000 Tix 35,000 ROBUX ~28.57

Nostalgia Club[]

Nostalgia Club, based on the Roblox discontinued Builders Club, costs 375 Robux per 30 days. Players can receive 1000 Tix and the Builders Club Hard Hat upon purchase. Daily login bonus is also increased from 10 Tix to 250 Tix.


The following interview was between Thundermaker300 and Maximum ADHD on Error: Page "User blog:RBLXDeveloperInterviews/Maximum ADHD: Super Nostalgia Zone" does not exist., as part of the Developer Connections Project.

What was it like developing Super Nostalgia Zone?
What challenges did you have to overcome while developing? What was the most challenging?
Ironically enough, the challenges I ran into revolved around accurately replicating how gimicky and awkward Roblox felt to play back then. Super Nostalgia Zone's mechanics clash heavily with Roblox's more modern polish, and a lot of the time I found myself having to reimplement lots of features and mechanics that either no longer existed on Roblox, or no longer behaved like they used to. The key focus for me was accuracy and attention to detail. I tried to replicate every minor quirk and feature I could observe, striking a balance between authenticity and user experience. Every feature and mechanic in the game has a meticulous amount of detail put into it. From accurately emulating how the old character animations felt, to the explosion and forcefield effects, the user interface, camera, controls, cylinders, humanoids, lens flares and skybox, really everything in the game is something that I put a lot of attention to detail into, and I'm quite satisfied with how everything has turned out.

The biggest challenge by far was the restoration of Roblox's bevel feature. This is something that I introduced fairly recently, and it required me to do things that I feel confident saying no Roblox developer has ever had to deal with. I wrote an external program that would procedurally generate bevel meshes for me, and these meshes would be turned into MeshParts which I would then batch into .rbxm files that I could load into Roblox Studio. Bricks in the game are swapped out at runtime with these bevel parts, so I had to adjust a lot of existing code in the game to compensate for these new constraints.

I ended up adding write support to a C# library I had written earlier in the year to accomplish the automation of this task. There were a few other attempts I made prior to arriving at the procedurally generated MeshPart solution (such as utilizing the in-game CSG API and having a custom LOD system written in Lua) but I'll spare you the details as it would take up several more paragraphs for me to explain all the hiccups and issues I ran into getting this all to work. Solving challenges like this is the kind of thing I live for, I love to push boundaries and using newer Roblox technology in ways that were not expected.
What did you enjoy most while developing Super Nostalgia Zone?
Is there anything else you'd like to share?



