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Zeppelin Battle is a game created by a user called myrkrwarrior. In the game there are two teams, called the Pirates and the Patrol. There is a loadout area where when you gain EXP from taking out the enemy and destroying stuff, you can level up and unlock new weapons.

There are two gamemodes which is Classic and Raid. Classic has two Zeppelins of each team and the goal is to destroy the enemy Zeppelin. In Raid the pirates are the only team with a Zeppelin and an NPC captain will pilot the Zeppelin forward and cannot be stopped unless the Zeppelin is destroyed. The pirates must protect this Zeppelin until it reaches the patrol harbor where the pirates must drop the bombs. The Patrol need to destroy the Zeppelin before it reaches its destination. The Classic map has on island that has a fruit tree where you can get the fruit for free EXP, it also has two balloons which take you up where you could get back to your Zeppelin. The Raid map has this same island but also has two more with two NPC anti aircraft cannons and two more where the patrol spawns and spawn planes. There is also the harbor in the Raid map which has a bunch of NPC anti aircraft cannons.

The game has been recreated in another game titled Zeppelin Wars.


There are two classes, the Pilot and the Crew. The pilot spawns with a parachute, a pistol, a melee weapon and a bomb. The crew spawns with a parachute, a shotgun (or rifle depends on loadouts), a net launcher, and a welder. The pilot can use planes but can use cannons and machine guns as well, crew cannot use planes but still can use machine guns and canons. The bomb will have to be placed nearby to the player and will need time to be place, a bomb timer depends on what bomb your using 30 for the default bomb, 20 for dynamite, 35 for highority. The net gun shoots a black sphere with no gravity, until suddenly turning into a net that will fall eventually. The net deals no damage to players but a great weapons to take out planes. The welder is able to defuse bombs, fix damaged planes, fix ammo boxes, and fix fuel tanks. Crew have superior fire power and can repair stuff as well as defuse bombs which is perfect for defending. Pilots can use planes and have bombs if they board the enemy ship, pistols however are outmatched by crew weapons.


Planes are used to get on the enemy ship and to get to them from a distance and are very useful to win. A plane has limited ammo, and bombs and fuel will go down after time and with no fuel your plane will stop and go down. To drive a plane you must press E to start the plane and tap where you want to go; press F to shoot and B to use bombs. There are five different types of planes: light bomber, fighter plane, rocket plane, torpedo bomber and heavy bomber. The light bomber is the cheapest plane at 4 points and free for the patrol in Raid gamemode; they have one bomb and a single-barreled machine gun. The fighter plane costs 7 points, 11 points for pirates in Raid gamemode and 3 points for patrol in Raid gamemode; it has no bombs but a twin-barreled machine gun and is the fastest plane. The rocket plane costs 7 points, 7 points for pirates in Raid gamemode and free for patrol in Raid gamemode; it has six rockets that will kill enemies in a single shot so perfect for killing crew and pilots, the plane also has a single-barreled machine gun. The torpedo bomber is 9 points and 4 points for patrol in Raid gamemode; this plane has one torpedo and a single-barreled machine gun as well as a machine gun turret on the back for a second person. The heavy bomber is 11 points and 7 points for patrol in Raid gamemode; it has the most health of any plane but the slowest, it has two torpedoes and has a twin-barreled machine gun as well as a turret on the back for a second person.


The Zeppelin is where your character will spawn and you must protect it from the enemy. The Zeppelin has a top and bellow deck with a pilot's cabin at the bottom that the captain uses to drive the ship. The pilot's cabin has the driver seat and two extra seats that have no use; on the walls of the pilot's cabin are a plane counter for your team and the amount of health of the ship and fuel tanks. The Zeppelin will have 2 machine gun turrets in the front and 4 in the back which will aim where you point and fire when you tap/hold down. There are 6 cannons with 3 on each side and are on the top deck; cannons have a shield to protect the user from bullets and you will use WASD to aim the canon. The cannon will fire when you tap and the cannonball will arch its shot and explode on impact, it has a laser to help aim. There are 4 duel cannons with 2 on each side and are on the bellow deck of the ship; aiming is the same as normal cannons and each cannon has a laser to aim. Duel canons will be covered by the lower deck walls and you use Q and E to fire the canons. The ship has ammo boxes used to replenish ammo of guns and there are four: one on each deck, one at the front and one in the back. The back of the ship has two areas to spawn planes and has torpedoes to resupply bombers. Fuel tanks will explode when damaged enough catching the area on fire and once both are destroyed the Zeppelin will go down; to put out fires use fire extinguishers on the top deck and in the plane spawn area. Pirates in Raid gamemode have a different Zeppelin. The top deck cannons are replaced by two heavy machine gun turrets that work the same as normal machine gun turrets but slower fire rate and do more damage. The cannons are also replaced by two rocket pods which work like cannons put fire a bunch of rockets; the two chairs in the pilot's cabin will instead control two heavy machine guns one on top and the bottom of the Zeppelin. The bellow deck is empty and a fuel tank is moved there and the area where the fuel tank was is replaced by the bombs you use to destroy the harbor.
