Animal Simulator is a roleplay game created by Ragnar9878 in which players can roleplay or fight as many different animals in the wild. Players can be many different animals or their own avatar.
Players can earn experience by fighting other players or training at a training post. Getting a certain amount of experience allows the player to level up, giving them more health and making their attacks stronger.
When a player reaches level 30, they can create packs, which allows players to work together. When creating a pack, they can choose a name with the max limit of 16 characters. When the pack is created, they can invite any player in the server to join the pack. The name of the pack is displayed over the player's name if they are a member of the pack.
There are two bosses in game. The lava boss, and the griffin. // Rewards: BOTH of the bosses can give you about 500k-300k exp. However, the lava boss can give you the dragon skins, and the griffin can give you the lion AND griffin skins.