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Roblox Wiki

DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo is a data type that was released with the CreateDockWidgetPluginGui method. As of now, it is not used in any other members.


InitialDockState: InitialDockState []

Determines the initial dock position of this widget, that can be moved around by the client later.

InitialEnabled: bool []

Determines whether or not this widget is enabled by default.

InitialEnabledShouldOverrideRestore: bool []

FloatingXSize: int []

If the initial dock position is set to float, this determines the initial pixel width of a PluginGui.

FloatingYSize: int []

If the initial dock position is set to float, this determines the initial pixel height of a PluginGui.

MinWidth: int []

The minimum width of a widget created, in pixels.

MaxWidth: int []

The maximum width of a widget created, in pixels.

Referenced by[]
