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Graphics settings are a 10-level adjustable bar for the looks (and performance) of ROBLOX.

Graphics Info
1 Basic, fastest settings
2 Increased asset render distance and beams render in
3 Textures have increased depth via bumpmapping, increased asset render distance
4 Increased texture lighting, increased asset render distance
5 Increases quality of shadows/lighting, increased asset render distance. Introduces shading on textures
6 Neon gets a glow effect, Slight lighting difference, and bloom, increased asset render distance
7 Texture/Lighting increases, increased asset render distance
8 Graphics set to full visuals, terrain gets a realistic look and feel, terrain water reflects world and distorts objects on the other side, and more texture/lighting increases, sun rays, increased asset render distance, Glass effects activate.
9 More texture/lighting increases, and introduces multisample anti-aliasing (makes the edges of geometry smoother). Slight full visuals increases.
10 More texture/lighting increases, Dynamic Shadows. Slight full visuals increases, highest MSAA the player's GPU supports. Also enables screen space ambient occlusion (adds extra shading in crevices).

Note: Computers with enough power can handle 10, but for low-end computers, graphics level 1 is recommended. Changing your graphics API through GraphicsMode in Roblox Studio can also adversely affect performance (see the section below).


The GraphicsMode drop-down box shows a list of all graphics mode for ROBLOX to work. There are currently 6 graphic modes available.


The default graphics mode, this option chooses the best graphics mode for your computer.


The 11th generation of the DirectX series as an API Framework. It supports for Shader Model 5.0, Dynamic shader linking, addressable resources, additional resource types, subroutines, geometry instancing, coverage as pixel shader input, programmable interpolation of inputs, new texture compression formats (1 new LDR format and 1 new HDR format), texture clamps to limit WDDM preload, require 8-bits of subtexel and sub-mip precision on texture filtering, 16K texture limits, Gather4(support for multi-component textures, support for programmable offsets), DrawIndirect, conservative oDepth, Depth Bias, addressable stream output, per-resource mipmap clamping, floating-point viewports, shader conversion instructions, improved multithreading.


The 9th generation of the DirectX series as an API Framework. It added a new version of the High Level Shader Language support for floating-point texture formats, Multiple Render Targets(MRT), Multiple-Element Textures, texture lookups in the vertex shader and stencil buffer techniques.


Apple's 3D graphics API framework, This graphics mode was added recently in November 5, 2016. Metal further improves the capabilities of GPGPU programming by introducing compute shaders.


When selected, the game will not be rendered, and instead, a Diagnostics window will show on screen. It is used to diagnose issues with the graphics, in-game physics etc.


OpenGL is a cross-language, cross-platform application programming interface (API) for rendering 2D and 3D vector graphics. The API is typically used to interact with a graphics processing unit (GPU), to achieve hardware-accelerated rendering. Users reported that games run smoothly while using this graphics mode.


The new graphics mode featured on the morning March 17, 2017, which is a competitor against OpenGL for most power users. Like OpenGL, Vulkan targets high-performance realtime 3D graphics applications such as video games and interactive media across all platforms, and can offer higher performance and more balanced CPU/GPU usage, much like Direct3D 12 and Mantle. Other major differences to Direct3D (prior to version 12) and OpenGL are Vulkan being a considerably lower level API and offering parallel tasking. Vulkan also has the ability to render 2D graphics applications, however it is generally suited for 3D. In addition to its lower CPU usage, Vulkan is also able to better distribute work amongst multiple CPU cores.


This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.

  • The debug console tracks if you have anti-aliasing.