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No-Scope Arcade is a round-based FPS experience created by Iconic Gaming Studios. This game is a sequel to No-Scope Sniping, the original 2020 game by the same development team in a different group.


In the game, players fight against each other using sniper rifles to noscope (achieving a kill without the use of the scope). Each round lasts 2 minutes long. Once a player is killed, they are eliminated and must wait for the round to end to play again. If the player has the shop, inventory or settings open when a round starts, they will not join the round. When there are only 3 players left alive, all players have a red aura visible around them which allows them to see each other's locations (even through walls). 2 tokens are awarded per kill. At the end of the round, 7 tokens are awarded for winning or 2 tokens for not winning. Tokens are used to unlock cosmetic items.

Every round, the player receives a random sniper rifle. A gamepass can be purchased to let the player choose a sniper rifle each round instead of a random one. Players can hold ⇧ Shift to sprint, press C to crouch and press Q to switch between their gun and knife (or use the mousewheel). Holding C while sprinting lets the player 'slide'. The player can also wall-hop by jumping into a wall and jumping again as soon as they touch the wall surface.

There is a rotation of 4 maps, all of which look similar in appearance but have different layouts. The map changes every few rounds.

NSA Arena


NSA Vertican


NSA Revamped Classic

Revamped Classic

NSA Revamped District

Revamped District

Cosmetic Items[]

All cosmetic items can be purchased directly using tokens in the shop.

Gun Skins[]

Skin Gun Rarity Cost
Crotalus Atrox R2MI Common 150 tokens
Drakaris Ignis R2MI Common 150 tokens
Carcharhinidae R2MI Common 150 tokens
Mausoleum SSG08 Common 150 tokens
Treasurer SSG08 Common 150 tokens
Dendroaspis Polylepis SSG08 Common 150 tokens
Pet Cheetah Kar98k Common 150 tokens
Disco Dots Kar98k Common 150 tokens
Skull Rosal AWP Common 150 tokens
2023 Anniversary AWP Common 150 tokens
Vermillion Fade G3SG1 Common 150 tokens
Spider Nest G3SG1 Common 150 tokens
Harvest Fade SSG08 Rare 300 tokens
Holly SSG08 Rare 300 tokens
North Pole Attire SSG08 Rare 300 tokens
Scaled Predator SSG08 Rare 300 tokens
Candy Cane SSG08 Rare 300 tokens
08 Outline SSG08 Rare 300 tokens
Nutcracker G3SG1 Rare 300 tokens
Holy Night Street G3SG1 Rare 300 tokens
Amethyst Shards G3SG1 Rare 300 tokens
Varnish and Polish G3SG1 Rare 300 tokens
Sagrada Familia G3SG1 Rare 300 tokens
G3 Gift Wrap G3SG1 Rare 300 tokens
Exotic Element AWP Rare 300 tokens
Ribbon And Wrapping AWP Rare 300 tokens
Slime Element AWP Rare 300 tokens
Dama Sin Rostro AWP Rare 300 tokens
Terrain Grid AWP Rare 300 tokens
Ancient Scripture AWP Rare 300 tokens
Let It Snow AWP Rare 300 tokens
Ornament AWP Rare 300 tokens
Rudolph's Selection R2MI Rare 300 tokens
Neon City Driver R2MI Rare 300 tokens
Acid Hills R2MI Rare 300 tokens
3D Printed R2MI Rare 300 tokens
Frosty R2MI Rare 300 tokens
Carbon Fiber Kar98k Rare 300 tokens
24 Karat Magic Kar98k Rare 300 tokens
Alloy Shards Kar98k Rare 300 tokens
Brass Gift Kar98k Rare 300 tokens
Festive Furniture Kar98k Rare 300 tokens
Santa's Bad List Kar98k Rare 300 tokens
Silent Night R2MI Legendary 800 tokens
AWP Meltdown AWP Mythical 2,500 tokens

Knife Skins[]

Skin Knife Rarity Cost
Brass Knuckles Bayonet Rare 300 tokens
Kusarigama Bayonet Rare 300 tokens
Butterfly Knife Bayonet Rare 300 tokens
Bayonet Bayonet Rare 300 tokens
Chokuto 3D Printed Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Slime Knuckles Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Chokuto Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
3D Printed Knuckles Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Kunai Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Silver Kusarigama Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Tomahawk Candy Cane Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Vintage Kusarigama Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Kunai Candy Cane Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Tomahawk Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Paratrooper Knife Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Paratrooper Candy Cane Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Kunai Dragon Flames Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Silver Knuckles Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Dragon Flames Kusarigama Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Kunai 3D Printed Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Slime Bayonet Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Paratrooper Silver Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Chokuto Outlined Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Kunai Obsidian Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Outlined Bayonet Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Chokuto Candy Cane Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Obsidian Kusarigama Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
Golden Obsidian Bayonet Bayonet Legendary 800 tokens
TOXIC Bayonet Bayonet Mythical 2,500 tokens
TOXIC Kusarigama Bayonet Mythical 2,500 tokens

Character Skins[]

Skin Rarity Cost
Pilot Common 150 tokens
Tan Trooper Common 150 tokens
Police Commander Common 150 tokens
Commander Common 150 tokens
Green Soldier Common 150 tokens
Black Soldier Common 150 tokens
Flame Trooper Rare 300 tokens
Reaper Rare 300 tokens
TactiNoob Rare 300 tokens
Lifeguard Jessica Rare 300 tokens
Jessica Rare 300 tokens
Mark Rare 300 tokens
Lifeguard Mark Rare 300 tokens
Bulldozer Rare 300 tokens
Golden Samurai Mythical 2,500 tokens
Dark Soldier Mythical 2,500 tokens
Glitch Mythical 2,500 tokens
Imp Mythical 2,500 tokens
Hazmat Mythical 2,500 tokens
Hazmat Jessica Mythical 2,500 tokens
SanTank Mythical 2,500 tokens
Adventurer Mythical 2,500 tokens
Hazmat Mark Mythical 2,500 tokens


Tracer Rarity Cost Preview
Toxic Legendary 800 tokens Preview
Gold Mythical 2,500 tokens Preview
Xmas Mythical 2,500 tokens Preview
RoBeats Mythical Not for sale Preview

Kill Effects[]

Effect Rarity Cost Preview
Spirit Rare 300 tokens Preview
OOF Common 150 tokens Preview
Atlantic Legendary 800 tokens Preview
Toxic Mythical 2,500 tokens Preview
Black Hole Mythical 2,500 tokens Preview
Gold Mythical 2,500 tokens Preview
Xmas Mythical 2,500 tokens Preview
Flabbergasted Mythical 2,500 tokens Preview
Guh!? Mythical 2,500 tokens Preview
RoBeats N/A Not for sale Preview


This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.

  • Easter eggs in the Revamped Classic map:
    • There are miniature figurines of iGottic (founder of Iconic Gaming Studios) and Vuriety (head manager of Iconic Gaming Studios) sitting on a shelf. There is also a miniature figurine of TheodorebIe (retired staff member of Iconic Gaming Studios) sitting in a tipped over tree inside a yellow shipping crate.
    • There is a sign that says 'Camping Corner'. On the back of this sign, there is The Rock's Eyebrow Raise meme with the word 'Camping?' written on it.
    • There is a round table dedicated to XyloOmega (retired staff member of Iconic Gaming Studios). On the table is a blue hologram of a nuke, a knife and a red teapot.
  • Easter eggs in the Revamped District map:
    • There is a workbench dedicated to Superior21V2 (QA tester for Iconic Gaming Studios). This was (apparently) because he won a community contest in the summer of 2023. On this desk, there is a sign saying 'WANTED Dead or Alive: Superior21V2', a miniature figurine of Superior21V2, a blue book with the initials 'iG' on it (standing for Iconic Gaming), a roll of tape, a frog, a black sheet stating 'Clabbers such a good game', a slice of pizza, a traffic cone, a key, a wrench and a note stating 'Some dude named Superior21V2 won a contest and decided to add this'. On top of the workbench, there is graffiti which says 'SUPERIOR21V2 WAS HERE'.
    • There is a ramp with a very narrow opening on the side. Inside this opening, a miniature figurine of Superior21V2 can be seen.
    • There is a bench with Maxwell the Cat sitting on it.
    • There is a box with a tiny crewmate from Among Us peeking on its side. This tiny crewmate has the Sus Jerma face.
  • iGottic has anticipated the game to have a future collaboration with RoBeats!
  • The Spirit and Atlantic kill effects were created by mikeysnoek123, a community member of Iconic Gaming Studios.