No-Scope Arcade is a round-based FPS experience created by Iconic Gaming Studios. This game is a sequel to No-Scope Sniping, the original 2020 game by the same development team in a different group.
In the game, players fight against each other using sniper rifles to noscope (achieving a kill without the use of the scope). Each round lasts 2 minutes long. Once a player is killed, they are eliminated and must wait for the round to end to play again. If the player has the shop, inventory or settings open when a round starts, they will not join the round. When there are only 3 players left alive, all players have a red aura visible around them which allows them to see each other's locations (even through walls). 2 tokens are awarded per kill. At the end of the round, 7 tokens are awarded for winning or 2 tokens for not winning. Tokens are used to unlock cosmetic items.
Every round, the player receives a random sniper rifle. A gamepass can be purchased to let the player choose a sniper rifle each round instead of a random one. Players can hold ⇧ Shift to sprint, press C to crouch and press Q to switch between their gun and knife (or use the mousewheel). Holding C while sprinting lets the player 'slide'. The player can also wall-hop by jumping into a wall and jumping again as soon as they touch the wall surface.
There is a rotation of 4 maps, all of which look similar in appearance but have different layouts. The map changes every few rounds.
Cosmetic Items[]
All cosmetic items can be purchased directly using tokens in the shop.
Gun Skins[]
Skin | Gun | Rarity | Cost |
Crotalus Atrox | R2MI | Common | 150 tokens |
Drakaris Ignis | R2MI | Common | 150 tokens |
Carcharhinidae | R2MI | Common | 150 tokens |
Mausoleum | SSG08 | Common | 150 tokens |
Treasurer | SSG08 | Common | 150 tokens |
Dendroaspis Polylepis | SSG08 | Common | 150 tokens |
Pet Cheetah | Kar98k | Common | 150 tokens |
Disco Dots | Kar98k | Common | 150 tokens |
Skull Rosal | AWP | Common | 150 tokens |
2023 Anniversary | AWP | Common | 150 tokens |
Vermillion Fade | G3SG1 | Common | 150 tokens |
Spider Nest | G3SG1 | Common | 150 tokens |
Harvest Fade | SSG08 | Rare | 300 tokens |
Holly | SSG08 | Rare | 300 tokens |
North Pole Attire | SSG08 | Rare | 300 tokens |
Scaled Predator | SSG08 | Rare | 300 tokens |
Candy Cane | SSG08 | Rare | 300 tokens |
08 Outline | SSG08 | Rare | 300 tokens |
Nutcracker | G3SG1 | Rare | 300 tokens |
Holy Night Street | G3SG1 | Rare | 300 tokens |
Amethyst Shards | G3SG1 | Rare | 300 tokens |
Varnish and Polish | G3SG1 | Rare | 300 tokens |
Sagrada Familia | G3SG1 | Rare | 300 tokens |
G3 Gift Wrap | G3SG1 | Rare | 300 tokens |
Exotic Element | AWP | Rare | 300 tokens |
Ribbon And Wrapping | AWP | Rare | 300 tokens |
Slime Element | AWP | Rare | 300 tokens |
Dama Sin Rostro | AWP | Rare | 300 tokens |
Terrain Grid | AWP | Rare | 300 tokens |
Ancient Scripture | AWP | Rare | 300 tokens |
Let It Snow | AWP | Rare | 300 tokens |
Ornament | AWP | Rare | 300 tokens |
Rudolph's Selection | R2MI | Rare | 300 tokens |
Neon City Driver | R2MI | Rare | 300 tokens |
Acid Hills | R2MI | Rare | 300 tokens |
3D Printed | R2MI | Rare | 300 tokens |
Frosty | R2MI | Rare | 300 tokens |
Carbon Fiber | Kar98k | Rare | 300 tokens |
24 Karat Magic | Kar98k | Rare | 300 tokens |
Alloy Shards | Kar98k | Rare | 300 tokens |
Brass Gift | Kar98k | Rare | 300 tokens |
Festive Furniture | Kar98k | Rare | 300 tokens |
Santa's Bad List | Kar98k | Rare | 300 tokens |
Silent Night | R2MI | Legendary | 800 tokens |
AWP Meltdown | AWP | Mythical | 2,500 tokens |
Knife Skins[]
Skin | Knife | Rarity | Cost |
Brass Knuckles | Bayonet | Rare | 300 tokens |
Kusarigama | Bayonet | Rare | 300 tokens |
Butterfly Knife | Bayonet | Rare | 300 tokens |
Bayonet | Bayonet | Rare | 300 tokens |
Chokuto 3D Printed | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Slime Knuckles | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Chokuto | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
3D Printed Knuckles | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Kunai | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Silver Kusarigama | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Tomahawk Candy Cane | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Vintage Kusarigama | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Kunai Candy Cane | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Tomahawk | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Paratrooper Knife | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Paratrooper Candy Cane | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Kunai Dragon Flames | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Silver Knuckles | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Dragon Flames Kusarigama | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Kunai 3D Printed | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Slime Bayonet | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Paratrooper Silver | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Chokuto Outlined | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Kunai Obsidian | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Outlined Bayonet | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Chokuto Candy Cane | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Obsidian Kusarigama | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
Golden Obsidian Bayonet | Bayonet | Legendary | 800 tokens |
TOXIC Bayonet | Bayonet | Mythical | 2,500 tokens |
TOXIC Kusarigama | Bayonet | Mythical | 2,500 tokens |
Character Skins[]
Skin | Rarity | Cost |
Pilot | Common | 150 tokens |
Tan Trooper | Common | 150 tokens |
Police Commander | Common | 150 tokens |
Commander | Common | 150 tokens |
Green Soldier | Common | 150 tokens |
Black Soldier | Common | 150 tokens |
Flame Trooper | Rare | 300 tokens |
Reaper | Rare | 300 tokens |
TactiNoob | Rare | 300 tokens |
Lifeguard Jessica | Rare | 300 tokens |
Jessica | Rare | 300 tokens |
Mark | Rare | 300 tokens |
Lifeguard Mark | Rare | 300 tokens |
Bulldozer | Rare | 300 tokens |
Golden Samurai | Mythical | 2,500 tokens |
Dark Soldier | Mythical | 2,500 tokens |
Glitch | Mythical | 2,500 tokens |
Imp | Mythical | 2,500 tokens |
Hazmat | Mythical | 2,500 tokens |
Hazmat Jessica | Mythical | 2,500 tokens |
SanTank | Mythical | 2,500 tokens |
Adventurer | Mythical | 2,500 tokens |
Hazmat Mark | Mythical | 2,500 tokens |
Tracer | Rarity | Cost | Preview |
Toxic | Legendary | 800 tokens | Preview |
Gold | Mythical | 2,500 tokens | Preview |
Xmas | Mythical | 2,500 tokens | Preview |
RoBeats | Mythical | Not for sale | Preview |
Kill Effects[]
Effect | Rarity | Cost | Preview |
Spirit | Rare | 300 tokens | Preview |
OOF | Common | 150 tokens | Preview |
Atlantic | Legendary | 800 tokens | Preview |
Toxic | Mythical | 2,500 tokens | Preview |
Black Hole | Mythical | 2,500 tokens | Preview |
Gold | Mythical | 2,500 tokens | Preview |
Xmas | Mythical | 2,500 tokens | Preview |
Flabbergasted | Mythical | 2,500 tokens | Preview |
Guh!? | Mythical | 2,500 tokens | Preview |
RoBeats | N/A | Not for sale | Preview |
This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.
- Easter eggs in the Revamped Classic map:
- There are miniature figurines of iGottic (founder of Iconic Gaming Studios) and Vuriety (head manager of Iconic Gaming Studios) sitting on a shelf. There is also a miniature figurine of TheodorebIe (retired staff member of Iconic Gaming Studios) sitting in a tipped over tree inside a yellow shipping crate.
- There is a sign that says 'Camping Corner'. On the back of this sign, there is The Rock's Eyebrow Raise meme with the word 'Camping?' written on it.
- There is a round table dedicated to XyloOmega (retired staff member of Iconic Gaming Studios). On the table is a blue hologram of a nuke, a knife and a red teapot.
- Easter eggs in the Revamped District map:
- There is a workbench dedicated to Superior21V2 (QA tester for Iconic Gaming Studios). This was (apparently) because he won a community contest in the summer of 2023. On this desk, there is a sign saying 'WANTED Dead or Alive: Superior21V2', a miniature figurine of Superior21V2, a blue book with the initials 'iG' on it (standing for Iconic Gaming), a roll of tape, a frog, a black sheet stating 'Clabbers such a good game', a slice of pizza, a traffic cone, a key, a wrench and a note stating 'Some dude named Superior21V2 won a contest and decided to add this'. On top of the workbench, there is graffiti which says 'SUPERIOR21V2 WAS HERE'.
- There is a ramp with a very narrow opening on the side. Inside this opening, a miniature figurine of Superior21V2 can be seen.
- There is a bench with Maxwell the Cat sitting on it.
- There is a box with a tiny crewmate from Among Us peeking on its side. This tiny crewmate has the Sus Jerma face.
- iGottic has anticipated the game to have a future collaboration with RoBeats!
- The Spirit and Atlantic kill effects were created by mikeysnoek123, a community member of Iconic Gaming Studios.