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Prior Extinction is a hardcore dinosaur game made by the group Jacy Studios Roblox. It has been development since April 2021.


In this game, the player chooses a creature from the character selection, When the player chooses it, The player spawns as a hatching in a large map, The special about this game are:

  • You spawn as a dinosaur with a realistic graphics
  • You start as a hatchling dinosaur to adult
  • You scavenge or hunt others you want

It features 11 unique biomes, it features 51 playable dinosaurs and 50 in sandbox mode, which unfortunately was recently removed.

Number of carnivores (Including crocodiles and others): 21

Number of herbivores: 24

Number of omnivores: 6

Total: 51

You start as an hatchling, hunt creatures smaller than you, make friends, the female adult dinosaur raises you and is now your mother, your mother finds food and gives it to you, you grow as juvenile and find other hatchling preys, You grow as a teen, find both smaller dinosaurs, hatchling dinosaurs and juvenile, You are an adult now and hunt best and scavenge best! You got an new friend and go to a pack and share with people you want!


  • The graphics is ultra high to make it more realistic
  • There are gamemodes like Survival and Sandbox!
  • This game also includes unusual dinosaurs.