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This article is about the 2017 event. For similar titled events, see Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards.

Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards 2017 was the second Nickelodeon-themed event which ran from February 28, 2017, to March 11, 2017. It took place in three games: MeepCity, Blox Hunt and Fashion Frenzy.


Name Image Creator/Group
MeepCity - Thumbnail
alexnewtron Roblox Verified Badge
Blox Hunt
Blox Hunt
Aqualotl Roblox Verified Badge
Fashion Frenzy
Fashion Frenzy Thumbnail
Fashion Famous


Name Game Image Objective
Slime Crown MeepCity
Slime Crown-0
Find 3 Slime Vials around the city.

(2 of them around the building and 1 in the star ball obby Slime world: level 6)

Slime Potion Blox Hunt
Slime Potion
Successfully hide as a Nickelodeon-based object, or eliminate all Hiders as a Seeker in the Kids' Choice Awards Map.
Slime Scarf Fashion Frenzy
Slime Scarf-0
Win a Fashion Frenzy Round while wearing a Nickelodeon Clothing.

Catalog Items[]

Name Image Price
Slime Skateboard
Slime Skateboard
Slime Sunglasses
Slime Sunglasses
Slime Cape
Slime Cape
Kids' Choice Awards T-shirt
Kids' Choice Awards T-Shirt


This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.

  • The Slime Potion gear is based on SpongeBob SquarePants's pineapple house.
  • This is the first time Fashion Frenzy and MeepCity was featured in an event.
  • This is the second time Blox Hunt was featured in the an event.
  • This is the 2nd time a Kids' Choice Awards event was released to the Roblox community, with the first being Kids' Choice Awards 2016, there was a Kids' Choice Awards 2015 event but it was canceled.

