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Knights of the Splintered Skies is a medieval fantasy group initially created by Sorcus on Roblox, it was handed down to (at the time an intern) Newtrat then later it was passed to Stickmasterluke Roblox Verified Badge who is the current leader. The Knights of the Splintered Skies are one of the Knights of RedCliff's allies that have sworn to help defeat the Korblox's Empire. The Character Encyclopedia reveals that they discovered and utilized the power of flight to build a kingdom in the sky, and since then they have sworn to defend Robloxia.

According to its description, it is an official group, meaning it is owned by an administratorial group recognized by Roblox. In addition, there are accessories published by Roblox to help support the group.


From our bases high in the frigid air above Mount Xargasdon, to the farthest reaches of the world, we, the Knights of the Splintered Skies, fight to defend Telloros against all those who would overtake its peace in chaos. One millennium ago, blessed with powers of lumin, the great knight Dukran discovered the power of flight and founded our great city Locindor in the sky. Since that day, we have defended the honor and the peace of Telloros many times, yet no war has been as hard-fought as the current battle against the Arktoras. With our mighty siege weapons making strides against the Arktorans advance, and the powers of light still defending against their aerial assault, we may -- nay, we must -- yet prevail. 1543 shall be the year not only of our greatest hardships, but of our greatest triumph!


LR = Low Rank | MR = Middle Rank | HRIT = High Rank In Training | HR = High Rank | HC = High Council

Ranks Description Rating
Ascendant Peasant aspiring to be a Knight. LR
Sky Guard A starting knight, knows basic knowledge and is a foot soldier training to guard the lower mists. LR
Avian Sentinel Knights of the lower mists, protecting closer to the earth than stronger brothers. LR
Knight Lowest ranking Officers in the Skies, they help Avian Knights defend the lower mists. LR
Alar Knight The Knight worthy of power, these knights are the highest ranks in the lower mists, often sent down to lead. MR
Empyrean Protector A protector of the high mists, these knights are amongst the most elite in the skies. MR
Dragon Vanguard A Empyrean Protector that battles a dragon and bests it thus earning the "title" Dragon vanguard. HRIT
Grand Artificer Architects of the splintered skies, they help build Locindor and its castle. HR
Luminary given to the High ranking knights who have retired. HR
Divine Justicar  A knight who would stop at nothing to defeat all and any who would pose a threat to the Splintered Skies' kingdom. HR
Firmament Commander A strong and able-minded leader to lead and help knights in battle and training. HR
High Council The councilors and leaders of the group, directly selected by the Aether Overseer. HC
Aether Overseer The Legendary Seventh Knight of The Council. Owner


The full collection of items themed around the group can be viewed here.


  • From January 3, 2012, until September 12, Splintered Sky went into a severe inactive rut, as Newtrat was only an Intern at the time he was given Splintered Sky, and had stopped interning. It wasn't until Stickmasterluke Roblox Verified Badge was handed the group that they finally started slowly becoming active again.
  • There is occasionally events in the group, one of which called Stickmasterluke Roblox Verified Badge Day, which is where the members celebrate their leader.
  • Like the other official roblox factions (Knights of Redcliff, Korblox's Empire, etc), the Knights of the Splintered Skies have rebranded into The Celestial Realms. They have not yet made a separate group however.