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In Lua scripting for ROBLOX, a virus is a malicious script that copies itself to other instances, and may also interfere with the functioning of the place that it is in. Most viruses are obtained by grabbing a free model either rigged by an attacker, or infected with a virus from another object. Lua scripts do not affect the actual computer's operating system, therefore the computer would be safe from any real damage. The ROBLOX game/place, however, would be infected, causing damage to the place, usually by renaming instances. A virus script is usually named "Good luck removing this" or "OH SNAP YOU GOT INFECTED XD XD XD".

List of Viruses

  • S.Vaccine
    Risk: 5% - Can be found in models or fraudulent antivirus plugin.
    Removal Difficulty: Level 1 (Easy)
    Damage: Spreads scripts into all game parts. Can be deleted manually easily, or by using an automated antivirus plugin.

  • Plugin virus
    Risk: 15% - Only found on plugins from suspicious sources.
    Removal Difficulty: Level 2 (Medium)
    Damage: Varies but due to how plugins work it may cause permanent damages to your games or may be a minor damage. More advanced plugins can communicate with other applications installed on your computer that are not properly secured, which may lead to massive damage on your computer, however the risk of this happening is extremely low.

  • R.ROFL
    Risk: 10% - Found in free models.
    Removal Difficulty: Level 2 (Medium)
    Damage: Causes scripts to break since it renames objects to ROFL or any other name.

  • OS.C-REX
    Risk: 2% - Found in free models.
    Removal Difficulty: Level 1 (Easy)
    Damage: Varies but can change and alter the game's Lighting settings and use SpawnLocations, parts or other Instances; could potentially cause seizures.

  • PA/S.Firespread
    Risk: 10% - Found in free models.
    Removal Difficulty: Level 2 (Medium)
    Damage: Spreads fire (or any sort of particle emitter) across every part in the place, causing enormous lag.

  • LT/S.4D Being
    Risk: 15% - Found in many old free models.
    Removal Difficulty: Level 1 (Easy)
    Damage: Puts itself into everything in the game, repeating every frame, including versions of itself, which can cause crashes after a few minutes.

  • KM/PA/PB/S/LT.Game Destroyer
    Risk: 2% - Found in free models.
    Removal Difficulty: Level 3 (Hard)
    Damage: Plays extremely loud audio throughout the game, deletes all parts but itself, repeatedly kills the player, and causes enormous lag. If anything with this virus is published, it will become extremely difficult to stop, and somehow manage to save itself into everything. After that happens - the only way to stop it is to wipe the game. Backing up your game is strongly recommended to prevent these attacks.

  • LT/S/R/OS/OUS.ProjectX
    Risk: 3% - Can be found in free models.
    Removal Difficulty: Level 2 (Medium)
    Damage: A dangerous virus that completely breaks your game, but also gives you the choice of it breaking your game or not. Drops 2 bricks from the sky asking if you want to or not activate it, if you click yes it activates the virus, click no and it does it anyway. When the virus is activated, it spawns a character inside the game called "Bob". Bob walks around and tries to kill you. Swords also drop from the sky for you to kill Bob with. After 30 seconds, bricks will start falling from the sky, making you lag. 15 seconds after that starts, your game will crash. The script also says things in the output / developer console. It also spams your screen with guis saying things like "The owner thanks blahblahblah for his/her road kit" or "The owner of this game thanks nobody". You can close them, but they will pop up again after a couple seconds. Backing up your game is strongly recommended to prevent these attacks.

  • IV.Nom
    Risk: 0% - Only present in it's own model.
    Removal Difficulty: Level 1 (Easy)
    Damage: Flies around the game, eating any unlocked part it touches, duplicating itself every time it does so.

    Risk: 4% - Found in an RTX free model.
    Removal Difficulty: Level 1 (Easy)
    Damage: Deletes everything and puts a message on screen saying "LEARN TO SCRIPT, YOU LAZY ROBLOXIAN!".

  • LT/OS/S/PA.Noot Noot
    Risk: 5% - Execution through older exploits and/or found in models.
    Removal Difficulty: Level 1 (Easy)
    Damage: It would put a button called "Noot Noot" in the bottom right. Once that button was clicked, a sound which was later identified as a Red Zone remix, also known as "PINGU EXTREME REMIX" would play. After 12 seconds, a decal of Pingu would come out, along with particles. Multiple explosions are duplicated aswell. The virus would later break due to the FilteringEnabled update. However, there are still fixed versions that cannot be executed through exploits, but rather serversided exploits.

  • LT/S/OUS.Corrupt
    Risk: 0% - Unknown Origin
    Removal Difficulty: Level 1 (Easy) - Look for a script in studio named "Corrupt", and remove it.
    Damage: This virus is completely game breaking! Heavily utilizing the math.random function, It does all of the following:
  • Uses a spreading agent to multiply and spread itself to every piece in your game, resizes all TextLabel objects to random numbers, changes the Attachment positions of all hat objects in-game, multiplies the scale of all mesh objects by a number between -5 and 5, changes the walking speed of all humanoids to a value between -5 and 5, colors all bricks to random colors, Clones various parts under the name "corruptedclonepart", which have a chance of being unanchored, or having no collision. These parts also have random transparency values, random size values, random reflectance values, and random materials. The cloned parts will have a random shape value assigned to them at runtime.
  • Changes the IDs of all Sounds to a random value using a separate nested script object, as well as changing the pitch to a random value between -5 and 5, and the volume to a random value between 1 and 10.
  • Changes the angle values of motors to a random value between -100 and 100, divided by another random value between 1 and 5.
  • All of this value changing during the game's runtime causes the game server to slow down tremendously.

  • LT/S.Lag
    Risk: 1% - Unknown Origin
    Removal Difficulty: Level 1 (Easy) - Look for a script in studio called Lag, and remove it.
    Damage: Prints "iEmotionless Lag Script" to the output console, turns all parts bright red, and spreads itself each time it does so.
  • S/OS/R/PA/PB/KM/BD/IV.Crasher
    Risk: 0.01% - Only exists in a few free models, which aren't disguised as regular ones.
    Removal Difficulty: Level 2 (Medium)
    Damage: Spams millions of unanchored meshes per second. Also uses anti remove scripts, and various other viruses. These are compounded in a way that makes the game unplayable and unopenable from studio. It can also crash computers, requiring them to be restarted completely. Cleaning up your game can be impossible.
The virus is a script that...
  • LT - Latency Turbulent - Is designed to slow the game's server down.
  • OS - Object Spawner - Spams one or more objects into the game.
  • S - Spread - Spreads a script or other object to pieces in the game.
  • R - Rename - Changes the name of pieces in the game.
  • PA - Property Automation - Changes values in objects to appear or act a certain way.
  • GTP - Game Teleporter - Teleports a player who joins to another game.
  • PB - Persistence Breaker - Breaks the values of a player's saved data.
  • KM - Killing Machine - Repeatedly kills the player at spawn until they leave.
  • BD - Inserts a backdoor.
  • IV - Intentional Virus - A virus that must be inserted at will.
  • OUS - Other Unwanted Script - Does malicious actions that has not been categorized.