The Official Model Maker Badge is a Roblox badge given to the users who have uploaded models endorsed by Roblox staff. However, users will have to be in the RBXDev program in order for the user's model(s) to be approved. In order for a model to be endorsed, a user must follow the following criteria:
- The model should look professional and well-designed (ex. using solid modeling).
- The model should be interactable and unanchored.
The model must work with FilteringEnabled.(Due to newer updates this is not a criteria anymore.)- The model must not copy other models or use copyrighted material.
- The model must be commented on heavily.[citation needed]
Currently, 47 users have obtained the badge so far, mostly popular players. The following is a list of all of the players who have obtained the Official Model Maker badge:
- alertcoderf
- asimo3089
- Aurarus
- bakers
- Carollicious
- ChildofGiotto
- CloudAffect
- CodeWrighter (formerly WrightRacer3n)
- cornholio234
- Crykee
- CurbM0nkey
- DataBrain
- DataSynchronized
- Defaultio
- duncan778
- EndorsedModel (formerly 101PILOT)
- gkku
- Gusmanak
- Havemeat
- HawaiianSnowman (formerly masterbeyblade21)
- Keyrut
- kni0002
- KnightStudio (formerly Kisa97)
- leates
- Luckymaxer
- Maelstronomer
- Mister_Mystery (formerly AdmiralLennox)
- Monstercat
- Morellos (formerly DrBigWallet)
- Mr_Root (formerly rootx)
- MunimR
- NonstopEpic
- og_og (formerly DeviousDeviation)
- Persodian
- radiogamer
- RBX_Lua (formerly Emporerj)
- RBXKyle
- Roblox
- ScriptOn
- Sharksie (formerly ArceusInator)
- SirDouglasTheScholar
- SmoothBlockModel
- TechSpectrum
- TigerCode
- UristMcSparks
- X_0 (formerly Stratobloxxer)
- Yourius (formerly RangeMeludE)
- Zomebody
This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.
- The ratio of this badge to the Administrator badge is around 1:20, making it the rarest badge in Roblox.
- There are no users with this badge which have also obtained the Administrator badge, having the highest amount of Roblox badges on any account being 11.