For a list of terms created or used by Roblox staff, see List of common terms on Roblox. For a list of LMaD terms, see Let's Make a Deal.
Like other online communities, Roblox uses common internet slang and slang exclusive to the community. These are words commonly used in the Roblox community, including slang.
Common abbreviations[]
- 1v1 – 1 versus 1 or one-on-one. Refers to combat games between two players exclusively with no outside interference.
- AA – Admin abuse. Used when someone is abusing power to cause harm to other players or the game. Typically only used in games that utilize command scripts but can also be used in games that give users any sort of power over others.
- A/C – Accept/counter. Commonly used in trading to either request that someone accepts or counters the trade or to tell someone that they will.
- A/D – Accept/decline, Similar as agree/disagree and yes/no, trading term commonly used by one thinking the trade is a bit skeptical and asking others if they should accept or decline it.
- AOS(er) – Arrest on sight; a person in law enforcement roleplaying games that arrests on sight.
- IC – In character. Usually used in roleplaying games. Variations include IxC and IsC.
- FFA – Free for all. A battle match with no teams. (Originally from COD or CSGO.)
- CRP – Combat roleplay. Commonly used in roleplay games.
- DM - Direct message
- DW - Don't worry
- FRP – Fail roleplay. Used in roleplaying games to describe players poorly roleplaying.
- LOL – Laughing out loud.
- AFK – Away from keyboard. It lets players know that you will not be at your keyboard for a while, or that you will not be online for a period of time.
- IDK – I don't know.
- TY – Thank you.
- TYSM – Thank you so much.
- NTY – No thank you.
- BRB – Be right back.
- EZ – Easy.
- OFC – Of course.
- ALR – Alright.
- WTH – What the hell/heck?
- OMG/OML – Oh my God/Lord.
- GG – Good game.
- NFT – Commonly used in trading games/communities when an item is "Not for Trade".
- Can also refer to "non-fungible token" in other contexts.
- NGF – Commonly used in trading to say "not going first". (Usually used when mass sending in limited trading, or cross trading.)
- OoC – Out of character. Used in roleplaying games to describe messages out of the roleplay narrative.
- OoG – Out of game. Used in games to notify or tell other players that the content is out of game.
- OP – Shortened form of 'overpay', a slang commonly used in trading when making a trade giving multiple items for one item usually worth almost all of the combined items, hence overpaying.
- Can also refer to “overpowered”, a term used to describe extremely strong items, often those degrading the experience for those affected by it.
- RDM or RDMing – Random death-match. Used primarily in roleplay scenarios involving a player-vs-player mechanic in which a player attacks others for no reason.
- RK or RKing – Randomly killing, random killing, or random kills, depending on context. Often synonymous with RDM.
- Skid – Short for script kiddie, an insult used against exploiters who use freely-available scripts and injectors.
- CYA – Abbreviation of "See Ya".
- xD or XD – An emoticon that resembles a laughing face with closed eyes, used to signify laughter and irony.
Roblox abbreviations[]
- BA – Bad Alien. Since a Roblox administrator accidentally called Alan (JacksSmirkingRevenge) "Alien", this abbreviation was in popular use during TNL Twitch live streams. It has since fallen out of use and is rarely used.
- BB – BrickBattle.
- DD – Dishonorably discharged. Mainly used in military roleplay games, it means that a player has been demoted or forcefully removed.
- FP – Free Paint. Commonly used in Country RP Games.
- JJ’s – Jumping Jacks. Used in military roleplay games.
- KOs – Knockouts.
- ODer – One who takes part in online dating; online dater.
- PGed – Password guessed, often used as an assumption towards accounts typically from 2013 or earlier, especially if they do not have the Verified Sign or have a low concentration of badges or hats across different periods of time, commonly referred to as a "hat gap."
- RAP – An individual limited item's Recent Average Price, or a user's value of all of their combined limited items in Recent Average Price commonly used in trading circumstances.
- PS – Private server.
- PSL – Private server link.
- SFer – Sword fighter. Formerly used to describe people dedicated to Sword Fights on the Heights IV.
- STS – Shoulder-to-Shoulder. Commonly used in military roleplaying games.
- SSU - Server Startup. Commonly used in roleplaying games.
- SSD - Server Shutdown. Commonly used in roleplaying games.
- RTC – Roblox Twitter Community. Commonly used to refer to users on X (Twitter). May also refer to Roblox RTC.
- USD’er/USD’ed – USD’er means somebody who bought Limited items with real world currency, and USD’ed means an item that was bought with real world currency. The term “USD” refers to the United States Dollar.
- WOs – Wipeouts.
Roblox Experience abbreviations[]
- BC – Blox Cards
- BCWO – Balanced Craftwars Overhaul
- BFS – Boss Fighting Stages
- BH – Brookhaven RP
- BSS – Bee Swarm Simulator
- BW – BedWars
- СС – 1. Creeper CHAOS. 2. Creature CHAOS.
- CoR – Call of Robloxia 5 - Roblox at War
- CoS – Creatures of Sonaria
- DB – 1. Dodgeball!. 2. ROBLOX DODGEBALL!. 3. DEVIL BEATER ORIGINAL. 4. Devil Beater. 5. Databrawl
- DTI – Dress to Impress
- DTS – 1. Defend The Statue. 2. Defend the Statue
- DW - Decaying Winter
- ER:LC or ERLC – Emergency Response: Liberty County
- FF (2) – Football Fusion 2
- G&B – Guts & Blackpowder
- JB – Jailbreak
- JToH – Juke's Towers of Hell
- MI – Monster Islands
- MM2 – Murder Mystery 2
- NDS – Natural Disaster Survival
- PBB – Pokémon Brick Bronze
- PF – Phantom Forces
- PTB – Pass the Bomb!
- PTFS - Pilot Training Flight Simulator
- TC2 - Typical Colors 2
- TDS – Tower Defense Simulator
- TDX – Tower Defense X
- TMM – The Mad Murderer
- TNoR – The Neighborhood RP
- ToH – Tower of Hell
- TRD - Total Roblox Drama sometimes referred to TDI (the shows abbriveation )
- TSB/SBG – The Strongest Battlegrounds; also refered to as Strongest Battle-grounds.
- TTD – Toilet Tower Defense
- TTD 3 – TTD 3
- VH2 – Vampire Hunters 2
- WaaPP – Work at a Pizza Place
- SFOTH – Sword Fights on the Heights (series)
- . – A single dot/period can express disapproval, disappointment, shock to the point of one being 'speechless', irritation, and/or a negative feeling of confusion or confused surprise; it is sometimes used to hide previous speech by saying it 3 times.
- Alt – Alternate account.
- Sock, Sockpuppet, Burner – Additional terms for alternate accounts.
- Acc – Short for "account".
- Acorn – Used to refer to someone with a Chestnut Bun.
- Bacon – Used to refer to someone with Pal Hair.
- Bandit beater – Derogatory term used to describe Roblox RPGs featuring repetitive gameplay and uninteresting combat.
- Barcode name - Term used to describe usernames consisting entirely of uppercase 'I's and lowercase 'L's. Infamously associated with exploiters as they can be somewhat difficult to recognize and are usually tied to alternate accounts.
- Beamed – Usually refers to Limited items being stolen from an account.
- Beanie Brain – Usually refers to someone with the default genderless avatar.
- Beaned – Banned.
- Blocky - Term commonly referring to the default Roblox body type and similar bundles with rectangular or boxy-looking body parts, also known as 1.0.
- Bobux – Memetic misspelling of Robux.
- Roux – Similar earlier misspelling of Robux that became memetic over time, though entirely based on the typo rather than having any sort of commentary. Popularized by Flamingo, when a player misspelled "Robux" while begging in a group wall / in-game.
- Boosted ape – A term used to describe players who got powerful because of their friends boosting them to that level
- Boot boy – Generally derogatory term referring to predominantly male players active in military-related roleplay groups (this sometimes extends to law enforcement groups), often using avatars with military-related clothing and accessories, as well as faces perceived as stoic or serious such as Serious Scar Face or Suspicious.
- Bruh/Bro/Blud/Lil bro – Short for "brother", although it is often used in the form to say "really?" or "seriously?" in response to something serious or funny. More recently, "bro" is often used as a catch-all term to refer to someone in place of a pronoun (i.e. "Is Bro dead?).
- Bypass – Describes any asset (clothing, audio, decals, etc.) or chat message that would otherwise violate the Community Rules but manages to get past initial moderation screening or chat filters. These often range from swear words to highly explicit or offensive audios, clothing and more.
- Car[number], dec[number], month[number], grade[number], [number] inch, uw[number], [number]cm, par[number], music[number], cm[number], [number]m, [number]pt, ss[number], Gear: [number] and [number]pesos – Filter bypasses primarily used by players with under 13 accounts to chat numbers [number]m and [number]pt Also commonly used for sharing audio and decal IDs.
- Comped – Short for compromised, used to describe hacked Roblox accounts. Similar to PGed or Beamed.
- Copy and paste – A derogatory term used to describe a specific aesthetic trend of female avatars heavily influenced by contemporary hip-hop, emo, and e-girl/boy culture. The term itself derives from two or more avatars adhering to this trend to appear almost indistinguishable from one another, as if they were "copied".
- Crake or Crake tune - Used primarily in the Roblox driving game community, this term describes unrealistic and often overpowered vehicle tunes.
- Dizzy, Disco cord, Discourd, Dis, Disco, Dripcord, Discordance, DC, Thiscord, Communications Server, Disc, Discard, Discowod, Cord, Dis "Spinal" cord, Diswourd, Dzskord, Kord, Discoard, Gamer Messaging App, and 💿 (Optical Disk/Disc Emoji) – Filter bypasses for the instant messaging service; Discord.
- Dev Hunt – Used for Egg Hunts that take place in multiple places; this is done to maximize the number of developers that profit from the event.
- Synapse X – A once popular, paid exploit that was used by many exploiters due to its powerful and reliable API. In October 2023, the team behind synapse had announced a shutdown and ceased all operations, and instead began to work with Roblox.
- Fat legs – Term used to describe an avatar trend of combining the torso of the Woman with the default legs (this sometimes extends to the legs of the Man bundle, as well as the Classic and Neoclassic bundles). This trend is perceived by some community members as ugly and jarring, and this reputation additionally led to the trend seeing more ironic usage by trolls.
- Filterpass – Bypassing the chat filter to say an expletive on the site or in-game.
- Get noob/noobed – Memetic phrase created and popularized by Roblox YouTuber Flamingo, often said by players when they win a game.
- Ice arms/legs/limbs – Term used to describe the mid-2010s avatar trend of equipping the arms and/or legs seen in the Frost Guard General, particularly with the Robloxian 2.0 and Superhero packages.
- Go commit [action] (Moderated) – A Roblox meme originating from the go commit die image. Usually intended as a way to tell users to seriously harm themselves, or to experience other actions with negative connotations without getting their message censored by the chat filters. The actions described may occasionally be oddly specific in nature, in order to add to humor or shock value. The full phrase has since been censored as of mid-2019, but many players simply say "commit [action]" instead.
- Le oof – A stereotypical French way of saying "oof", typically used in Ro-Wrestling games when one expresses disinterest in another ro-wrestler.
- Mic up – A phrase used to taunt or intimidate the recipient into joining them in a voice call, usually via Discord or other services with that feature. It is heavily associated with the Ro-gangster and Slender subculture and has achieved memetic status.
- Newb or Newbie – A new player to a game that may have little understanding of how to play the game. (Filtered now)
- Noob – Derived from "newb", this word refers to new players. Players may incorrectly use this word as an insult for someone they think or know can be beaten very easily. Common variations include "n00b" & "nub".
- Newgen - A similar term with the same meaning, but often used in more derogatory way.
- No-name - Describes a person who is unknown, and often used in a derogatory way.
- Obby – Short for obstacle course.
- Obj – Named after the .obj file extension, this term is used in the Roblox driving game community to describe vehicle models ripped from other IPs (such as the Forza franchise) and imported into Roblox.
- Oof – The previous Roblox death sound. Usually used when something negative has happened, sometimes ironically.
- RNG - Random number generator games.
- Salad Hair – A usually derogatory term referring to the Holiday Crown. Sees considerably lower usage in present day as said accessory is less popular.
- Skid/Script kiddie- Slang used against exploiters as an insult; slang portrayed and perceived as an exploiter who is of younger age, and copy and pastes exploit scripts that they can find online to their script executor for its use. The slang, however, is unconditionally and indiscriminately used against exploiters of all ages.
- Slender – The male/masculine equivalent of the Copy and paste term, though this term does not hold as much derogatory connotations. It derives its name from the usage of R15 scaling options as well as the legs of certain bundles in order to appear as tall as possible, as well as the usage of the Robloxian 2.0 package, which some have compared to the Slender Man, an iconic fictional creepypasta character and internet meme. Otherwise, its aesthetic inspiration is near identical to its feminine counterpart.
- Smurf – An often derogatory term used to describe highly skilled players who play on lower-level alternate accounts, especially in games with skill-based matchmaking or a rank system.
- Sweat or tryhard – Derogatory term describing overly competitive players who care about winning and playing optimally at all times.
- Tags or Tagging – Short for hashtags/hashtagging. Used for when a player's words are censored and replaced with the hashtag (#) symbol by Roblox's chat filter.
- Termed – Short form of a user who is terminated or permanently banned.
- TT, Tic Tok, Tig Tok, Tik Took, Tick Tock, Tic Tac, and Tic Toc – Filter bypasses for the social media app; TikTok.
- USD-bought – A term referring to Robux or limited items that have been purchased off-site for real money, which is a violation of the Terms of Service and can result in account deletion. People who purchase or sell limited items or Robux for real money offsite are referred to as USDers or variations thereof.
- UUC method – A trading term referring to a scam method that first emerged in March 2020 through exploiting a vulnerability within the Roblox website. When utilized, the exploit causes accepted trade to remain processed indefinitely and unable to be canceled, but the victim will lose their Limited items and the scammer keeps their offered items. The exploit is named after the currently terminated user UUC, who is understood as the first notable user to make use of the exploit.
- Uuhhh – Alternative word for "oof", refers to the Roblox death sound by its official file name (uuhhh.wav).
- Voided – Ignoring another person in a roleplay, often due to a failed roleplay, being annoying, or trolling.
- Cap – A term used to describe if someone is lying.
- No cap – A term used by someone to explain that they're being truthful.
Old/Outdated slang[]
This slang terminology has become less used over time. It may see ironic usage, or in the context of referencing the past.
- Bloxxed – Refers to when a player has been killed or defeated by another player, since R6 avatars are usually dismembered upon death, causing the "blocks" that make up their bodies to fall to the ground.
- Pwn/Pwned – late 90s to mid 2010s gamer slang, to defeat someone or be defeated. It is an intentionally misspelled version of the word "own" or "owned". (Is still in usage on roblox, but rarely)
- Pwnzer/Pwnzor – a portmanteau of "Pwn" and "Panzer" (the german word for "armor" or "tank"). It is a more exclusive to Roblox version of pwn used to describe someone who pwns or is "cool". (Unlike the word "pwn", this word has completly fallen out of usage")
- !1111!!!11!!1!! – Commonly used after 2000s Roblox slang like "pwnzer". Often used ironically in a similar fashion to mocking spongebob text.
Forum slang[]
The Forums are no longer active on Roblox, so these terms are mostly obsolete.
Forum and imageboard terms were used exclusively in forums.
Common forum slang[]
- Post – A user-submitted message enclosed into a block containing text provided by the user and the date and time the post was published.
- Thread – A topic and the posts that were submitted to that topic.
- Bump – When a user makes a post on a thread to make it appear on the front page.
- Pinned – When a thread is pinned at stays at the top of the front page; usually done by administrators or moderators.
- TL;DR – Too long; didn't read.
- Crappost – A low effort post. Filter bypass for "s--tpost"
- Siggy – A signature, which was a phrase that would appear at the end of every post that the user could change.
- Cold Mold on a Slate Plate – Old and very late, often used on threads about news that was already known for a long time and even referenced in the Forum Troll hair.
- (adjective)bag – Was used as an insult in various ways, such as 'newbag' towards new players or forum posters and 'poorbag' towards players who did not have a lot of Robux or limited items (more prevalent on Let's Make a Deal) in Roblox's case. Terms suffixed with -bag may cause offense, as the suffix has its origins in a filter bypass for a similar suffix used online that is based on a word that is often seen as a homophobic slur.
- OP – Original poster. Derived from the 80s and 90s hip-hop slang term "Original Gangster" (OG)
- v3rm – A site used to share exploits, scripts, and general coding.
Capitals (or their more common name 'Caps') used in text differs in meaning depending on how it is used, using ca on a single word implies emphasizing or exaggerating that word. Caps used in the entire text however refers to shouting, often used to replace exclamation marks (!). Someone saying "caps" or "oops caps" after using the aforementioned shout writing implies accidentally turning and/or leaving on Caps Lock.
Roblox forum slang[]
- ATR – All Things Roblox
- RT – Roblox Talk
- RN&D – Roblox News & Discussion
- OT – Off Topic
- C&G – Clans & Guilds
- LMaD – Let's Make a Deal
- PG-ing – Password guessing
- Cuban iPad – An older term used by exploiters to refer to cheap/free exploits that could probably have consequences from downloading such as malware.
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