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Wolves' Life 3 is an animal roleplay game created by Shyfoox Studios. In this game, players play as wolves, which can be customized to their liking, and explore a map that contains multiple different types of environments. Some players like to hangout in the pup adoption. Lots of gamepasses are in the front page in store to customize your wolf even better, or to get special perks.
- Howl: E
- Growl: Q
- Bark: G
- Sneeze: B
- Bite: F
- Eat: Z
- Drink: X
- Close Eyes: M
- Open Eyes: N
- Sit: R
- Sleep: Y
- Lay: U
- Side Lay: V
- Lay on Back: H
- Dead Pose: J
- Protective Pose: K
- Playful Pose: L
- Stand/Stop: T
- Wings: Gives your wolf wings, allows you to fly.
- Dragon skin: Gives your wolf dragon attributes, includes different wings.
- Ocean skin: Gives your wolf mermaid attributes.
- VIW: Very Important Wolf; includes music player, special dens, and a VIW tag above your name.
- Extra Colors: Gives you options for non natural colors.
- Neon: Lets your wolf have neon accessories. (broken)