"Valkyrie Helm", the original mesh.
The Valkyrie series consists of some of the most popular and coveted items on Roblox. They are inspired from helmets worn by Valkyrie warriors in Nordic mythology, and are often limited items. A few Valkyrie helms also have a complementary pair of winged shades that match their color schemes.
Currently, there are thirteen Valkyrie items. Six are limited, two are currently on-sale as normal items, one is available as a chaser code obtained from Roblox Toys, two were obtainable from events, one is a gift card item, two are Make-A-Wish items, and another was formerly awarded to QA testers.
Valkyrie hats consist of a helmet that has a colored base, four white wings on each side on the top, with two big circles, and two small circles on both sides.
- Original
- Black
- Festive Sword
- Tix
- Orinthian
- Sparkle Time
- Violet
- Red
- Sinister
- Emerald
- Summer
- Ice
- Metaverse
- Valiant
- Hallow's
- Timeless
- Shard of Valkyrie, the MVPS
- Shard of Valkyrie, the Video Stars
- Shard of Valkyrie, the Developers
- Shard of Valkyrie, the Admins